
Showing posts from February, 2024

CAGD 470 Blog 2

From a modeler's perspective, the process of making Stat Master has gone great so far. First thing I will dive into is if my team and I have had any problems and how we fixed it. I believe our process has gone smooth. We as a team have done good on the number of cards we’re getting done but I know we can do more. I think as of now, we are on track to get our cards done by sprint 7 and we hope to have well-polished game by then. For sprint kickoff, I was assigned a total of three cards, two being syringes for the player to use and then a character model for the ghoul which will be one of the enemies. I think in the next sprint, I would like to get another model done. First, I will dive into the character model. Going back to one of the issues I presented in my last blog post, I talked about character modeling which is something I have never done before. I have modeled a skull but that was pretty simple. Trying to do a head is something but getting the shape of the body was something

Blog Post 2 (495)

  From a 3D artists perspective, the process of making our Game Alchemist Crafter has gone a lot better compared to the first sprint. Comparing the two, I ended up finishing up double the number of cards that I ended up doing in the first sprint, so for this sprint, I ended up completing about 32 cards which I would say was pretty reasonable for the work I was given. I still think my process of completing the cards will change, in terms of what I do first, second and so on. What I mean by this is instead of doing all the models first, then doing the UVs , then textures, my team has agreed that all modelers complete a set. For example, say I was doing a bridge model, first I would do the model then the UV’s and then textures and after that move on to the next model. Doing it this way would make the process go a lot smoother to actually get work in unity faster, so yeah, that is one of the things that will be changed going into future sprints as a team. Now I will dive into the cards th

CAGD 470 Blog 1

 CAGD 470 Blog 1: From a modeler's perspective, the process of making our game Stat Master has gone well so far. First, I’ll talk about how the team, and I have been working together. One of the things we did well for the sprint was being able to communicate well with each other, whether that's talking about when our cards will be finished or what we’ll be doing next in the upcoming sprints. When it comes to what went wrong, I don’t think anything has gone wrong and we would like to keep it that way. Our goal is to have smooth progression the whole way to have a nice, polished game. One of the issues that may popup for me is the actual character modeling which I haven’t done before, so it looks like I'm going to have to watch a lot of tutorials. One good thing about this is that I will kind of learn the process of sculpting in zBrush. Now, let's dive into sprint kickoff and what I was assigned for the sprint. One of the first cards that I was assigned was a bow and arro


  From a 3D Artist’s perspective, the process of making a game hasn’t gone to well in terms of actually getting the work done. I have never actually had this problem in my past experiences and for this one, its due to my lack of experience in terrain modeling which really held me back this sprint. I was stuck on it for a few days, but this surprised me because I have used the sculpting tool in maya for previous projects and the outcome didn't come out bad at all so I thought I could tackle this task but I was wrong. One thing I did to fix this was communicate with my team Lead Tyla and Producer Anna and we all agreed to pass it onto someone who has more knowledge of sculpting to get the look of the terrain we wanted. That was really the thing that held me back and I should have spoke up sooner about it but everything is situated and I have finished up the other models that I was assigned.  Next, I will dive into all the cards and tasks that I was assigned for the first sprint. The