
Showing posts from October, 2023

Sprint 2 (373)

  Sprint 2: In sprint 2, I’ve been creating some of the main models for our game. So I’ll go ahead and walk through some of the models I have been working on. First up, I started by sculpting a floating island in Maya which is going to be one of the main pieces the player is going to be walking on. This island will be floating in the sky, creating a sense of wonder and adventure for the players. I tried to keep the design as straightforward as possible, but I still wanted to add some detail to it. Next, I created what is supposed to be the Master Emerald which is supposed to be one of the pieces that will hopefully catch the players eye in game. The use of textures and colors will hopefully help achieve that affect. In order to make the Master Emerald stand out, I made what is going to be one of the center pieces at the end of the game. This structure will be functional so the player will be able to walk up the stairs and they will also be able to view the emerald at the very top. Some


  As a modeler for the game, “Meltdown”, Im going to share some of the tasks I have worked on and also go over my process in the Fourth sprint. This will include sprint kickoff and the work I did and didn’t complete, as well as some of the things that went right and wrong. First, I will start with one of the UI tasks I was given. For this I was meant to make the shop screen look cleaner for the player. What I mean by this is just making everything more organized because some of the player feedback from students made was it was confusing to look at. The way I made this is by having the shop button in a corner and when pressed it would open up a new screen with a list of new options to choose from, so that's how that is supposed to work. Now let’s get into the more exciting stuff! The first model that I finished was a electric windmill and this will serve as another generator in our game. This specific model was really easy to texture since it’s pretty much all the same. When it came


  As a modeler for the game, “Meltdown”, I'm going to share some of the tasks I have worked on and also go over my team's process in the third sprint. This will include sprint kickoff and the work I did and didn’t complete, as well as some of the things that went right and wrong. In the game meltdown, I am the level designer as well as the 3D modeler. So far, the process is going how I would expect it to go. It has gone smoothly so far but I think for future sprints, the number of cards completed will go up a bit, but it depends on what needs to be done.  For the 3rd Sprint, I had a total of 11 points completed. When I compare this sprint to the previous sprint, I gave myself less time to complete the cards that I wanted to get to, although I did miss one card, I was able to finish enough work for the sprint to get where I wanted to be. The first card that I completed was a model of a coal powerplant and this will be used as the main environment background if that's the r