
Showing posts from April, 2023

370 BlogPost4

  From a Designer and programmers' perspective, how has my process been of making a prototype? There have been a total of 4 sprints to date for this semester. When it came to the first two sprints my team and I started off pretty slow and that was due to poor communication with each other, but as the team lead it's my responsibility to make sure we have work, and everyone is doing what they are assigned. These past two sprints we had, which were the third and fourth sprint were a lot better by far. I don’t think there are any current changes that my team can add to these sprints to make it better. We definitely adjusted after the first two sprints and now we're on track to finish up by the fifth sprint which is the last sprint. In this previous sprint my team had a total of 26 points assigned and by the end we had 24 points in complete. For this sprint I had a total of 5 points assigned. This sprint I fell back a little bit due to being out of town but I should have don


  The question asked is from a Designer/Programmer's perspective, how has the process been of making a prototype. There has been a total of 3 sprints to date. The first two sprints haven’t been the best for me. With these first couple sprints I only had assigned myself a total of 5 cards for those two sprints which was not enough for even 1 sprint so that is something I had to improve upon. Some of these tasks consisted of enemy follow task, key pickup task and a door task to allow the player to pick up keys to unlock the door. For the second sprint which was not great, I had two cards which were just basic UI tasks.    In this previous sprint which my team and myself had, I had a total of 6 cards assigned for myself and I was able to complete all 6 on time. After completing these tasks, it helped me to realize I can probably get around 8 to 9 tasks if I keep the same pace as I did for this sprint. One of the changes that I will make in the next two sprints is to allow myself to


  The question asked is from a Designer/Programmer/ and modeler's perspective, how has the process been of making a prototype. There has been a total of two sprints so far. In the first sprint I had 3 cards assigned and had all three completed. The first task was a basic enemy script that made it so the enemy will follow the player at all times, but it's changed so it only follows the player if it comes within a certain range of the player. My other task within Unity was a simple key pickup function that just allows the player to pick up a certain number of keys to open a door. One of the changes that I want to add to that will most likely be in sprint 5 and that is to add an open-door animation. The last one from sprint 1 is just a Rule sheet which just goes over some of the things about our game. In the next sprint which we had just finished this past week, it was a different process in that there was less communication between myself and my team. Me being the team lead i