
 The question asked is from a Designer/Programmer's perspective, how has the process been of making a prototype. There has been a total of 3 sprints to date. The first two sprints haven’t been the best for me. With these first couple sprints I only had assigned myself a total of 5 cards for those two sprints which was not enough for even 1 sprint so that is something I had to improve upon. Some of these tasks consisted of enemy follow task, key pickup task and a door task to allow the player to pick up keys to unlock the door. For the second sprint which was not great, I had two cards which were just basic UI tasks. 

  In this previous sprint which my team and myself had, I had a total of 6 cards assigned for myself and I was able to complete all 6 on time. After completing these tasks, it helped me to realize I can probably get around 8 to 9 tasks if I keep the same pace as I did for this sprint. One of the changes that I will make in the next two sprints is to allow myself to work on about 8-9 cards which should get me to about 18 more points all together with the new point calculations.

I think the only issue with this sprint is just not giving myself a few more cards.  I was able to finish each of the cards, however I did have some trouble with some of the code for my enemy script, however I was able to figure it out with enough time to spare.

For my team's sprint Kickoff, we have a total of about 21 cards assigned but that number will be bumped up so I can give myself some more cards to allow my team to catch up even more. I don’t think we were far behind at all and were just about caught up with the number of cards we finished last sprint.

Now I’ll talk about some of the sprint work I completed for sprint 3. So, like I mentioned I had a total of 6 cards assigned. The first task I had finished was to add background audio to constantly play in the background and I had it set to awake so whenever the game started the audio would play on a loop.


The second task was also an audio task but with some code involved to act as a trigger whenever the player went in an area there would be a loud jump scare sound. 

The 3rd task ties in with this jump scare audio task, and this just serves as a trigger which whenever the player comes in contact with the box collider the player would get a good spook of an image pop up which only happens once.

The 4th task is a slow-moving enemy which is meant to be slow because if it hits you once you die, so as a player you need to be able to run away from it. 

The fifth task that I had was a adding a flashlight for the player.

The last task that I finished was the most complex of all and this was an enemy task which made it so the enemy can only move towards the player if the enemy is out of the player's sight. So, this makes it so the enemy can’t move if the player is looking at the enemy.

As of now I’m currently working on a task which it to have more triggers around the level to add more jump scares, but I think one of the things I want to add is getting a jump scare when you get caught but I will talk with my team about that one.


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