
 The question asked is from a Designer/Programmer/ and modeler's perspective, how has the process been of making a prototype. There has been a total of two sprints so far. In the first sprint I had 3 cards assigned and had all three completed. The first task was a basic enemy script that made it so the enemy will follow the player at all times, but it's changed so it only follows the player if it comes within a certain range of the player. My other task within Unity was a simple key pickup function that just allows the player to pick up a certain number of keys to open a door. One of the changes that I want to add to that will most likely be in sprint 5 and that is to add an open-door animation. The last one from sprint 1 is just a Rule sheet which just goes over some of the things about our game.

In the next sprint which we had just finished this past week, it was a different process in that there was less communication between myself and my team. Me being the team lead it is my responsibility to make sure that everyone including myself has enough tasks within a two-week time period and that is something that I need to work on. In total I had two tasks finished which was definitely not enough considering I had two weeks to not only complete those tasks but also assign myself some new ones. 

One of the issues that I had with our prototype process is not allowing myself enough time to complete tasks but also actually assigning myself tasks and that is just pure laziness from myself. One solution that I will implement into the next upcoming sprints is talking with my team more and just doing one task at a time until the 2-week process is over.

One of the things that my team has done for our next sprint is assigning ourselves enough tasks which I believe we have about 6 to 9 cards each but now it's just taking the time to complete those tasks. In total we have 23 cards assigned all together and this is just to see how many cards we can actually complete so we can get an estimate of how many cards we finish for our future sprints. It’s also good practice learning how to count up our cards within each sprint which will help us with the new chart which we’ll be using for our sprints.

The work that I completed for sprint 2 was adding a game over screen whenever the player loses 3 lives.

The other task that I completed was UI to show how many keys the player has picked up.

The task that I did not complete was a respawn function which was supposed to spawn the player on an empty game object but didn’t seem to work which was weird because I tested it on another project, and it worked without issues. So, our programmer of the group will take a look at it to hopefully find the issue within the project.

As of Sprint 3 I have one card in complete already and the next card that I’m working on now is a jump scare trigger which will only trigger when the player walks in a certain area. If my team and I are able to complete these tasks for sprint 3, I believe it will put us in a good spot to hopefully catch up and get our focus back on track for the next two sprints following sprint 3.


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