370 BlogPost4

 From a Designer and programmers' perspective, how has my process been of making a prototype? There have been a total of 4 sprints to date for this semester. When it came to the first two sprints my team and I started off pretty slow and that was due to poor communication with each other, but as the team lead it's my responsibility to make sure we have work, and everyone is doing what they are assigned. These past two sprints we had, which were the third and fourth sprint were a lot better by far. I don’t think there are any current changes that my team can add to these sprints to make it better. We definitely adjusted after the first two sprints and now we're on track to finish up by the fifth sprint which is the last sprint.

In this previous sprint my team had a total of 26 points assigned and by the end we had 24 points in complete. For this sprint I had a total of 5 points assigned. This sprint I fell back a little bit due to being out of town but I should have done some more tasks beforehand before leaving. One of the changes that I will make for this last sprint is trying to do everything early. That way if I finish early, I can help my team with some of their tasks if they need help. If not, I will think of some cards that may be useful to our game. I believe for this last sprint which will be sprint 5, we will have about 17-20 points assigned which I think will be enough based on our burndown chart.

My issue with these sprints is giving myself 5-6 points rather than 8+ points. That is something I have to work on for the sprints in future classes because that is one of the most important things in these classes. 

Now I’ll talk about some of the sprint work I competed for in sprint 4. Like I mentioned before I had 6 points assigned but had 5 points completed and I’ll talk about why the last card wasn’t completed.

The first card that I completed was a 3d model for the enemy. I made this model to represent a ghost looking figure. The way I made this was using an nCloth in maya. 

The 2nd task I did was making a script for flickering lights which would help give our level more of that scary look. As a team we didn’t really want just regular boring lights around the map so we decided I should make some flickering lights.

The 3rd task I finished was a door script which made it so the player had to pick up a certain number of keys around the map in order to unlock the door to progress through the level.

The 4th task was another jump scare task but this time I was able to make it, so it was an image sequence, so it looked like a gif was playing whenever you walked in the trigger. I also had to make it so it can be used multiple times around the map.

The last task that I created was a must for our game and that was a 3d model of keys to actually show what the player was picking up because before they were just boring spheres, and the player wasn’t sure what they were picking up.

The reason I didn’t finish that last task was because it was an open-door animation, but it didn't make sense to add it since the door would turn off once the player touched it. So, I didn’t find a point to add it.

As of right now I’m currently working on a script which will make the enemies roam around rather than just staying in one place.


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