
Showing posts from December, 2023


  Game Scene Final Project Post   The goal of this project was to create a scene from the game Sonic Adventure. Our team chose to work on Windy Valley, aiming to bring this level to life. The reason we chose this for our project is because it felt like something we could manage for the time given to us. While we did focus on some of the main assets in the game, we did add some of our own to give it that extra juice. In this post I will also go over the map layout and how we had originally had it planned out.  To start off the layout we started the player at the first island which had a pavilion and some tree which Vinh made which turned out great. The player would then cross the bridge to the next island where the player would be able to interact with the gravity cannon which I made in the first sprint. This cannon wouldn’t have worked without the help of Tang making the script for it to properly shoot out the player. My portion of the scene consisted of making the main island which


  From a modeler perspective, I will discuss the process of how making a mobile game has gone to date. First, I’ll quickly go over what I did for this sprint but that will not be my main focus for this post.  For this last and final sprint, I had a total of 4 cards. These cards consisted of making some of the last generators in our game as well and retexturing the games main background because when it was first imported, it imported wrong. So very briefly, I’ll go over the work I finished. The first card that I finished was a visual representation of a so-called God Hamster wheel which is one of our last and final generators the player can buy. The next one is also a generator which was a multiversal battery. The last and final generator was a black hole harvester generator. Now let's skip to the 3 main questions. First what went right in our development: During the development of our game, our team which was led by Andrew had some good successes. This consisted of regular team m