Sprint 3 (373)

 Sprint 3: 

In Sprint 3, I have been modeling the final island in which the player will see. When it came to modeling this island, I have been trying to learn the sculpting tool in maya which is not as good as Zbrush but it works.

My primary focus was on modeling the final floating island. This task, while not yet completed, allowed me to explore the sculpting tool in Maya. The process involved creating a unique environment that would be a key element of our project.

I extensively utilized Maya's sculpting tool during this sprint. The sculpting tool in Maya is a powerful feature for shaping organic and natural forms. It enabled me to add intricate details and create a visually decent looking terrain. However, it would have been nice to use Zbrush but I didn’t have any free time to go into the lab to use it. I am glad that the sculpting tool was a thing though.

Going into sprint 4, I’m going to finish this island and add all the final textures onto it. Following that I will work on one of my last few cards which will be the giant stone statue of sonic. Also, next sprint is when I will start putting things together so hopefully, I'll have that ready by next the end of next sprint.


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