
 As a modeler and level designer for the game, “Meltdown”, I'm going to share some of the tasks I have worked on and also go over my process in the Sixth sprint. This will include sprint kickoff and the work I did and didn’t complete, as well as some of the things I’ll be working on in the next upcoming sprint in sprint six. For Sprint kickoff, I was assigned a total of 5 cards, and I will go over what they were.

The first card that I finished was a visual representation of the fusion reactor which will be serving as one of the generators in our game. I do have the UV’s finished up, but I still have to do the textures which should be very simple to finish.

The second card that I did was another visual representation, but this was a Dyson sphere generator. For this model I did have to do a bit of searching around to actually see what it looked like. With the reference I found, I tried to make it look similar which I think came out close enough besides the glow.

The next card that I worked on was a visual representation of a neural matrix generator. I was a bit confused on what this was, so I asked my team lead and he mentioned this could be a person's head hooked up to a VR headset with wires coming out, so it's basically a super generator powered by people's minds. For this I modeled a basic human skull with a VR headset which was a lot of fun to make. 

One of the last things I was meant to do was creating UVs and textures for the cooling system which I didn’t get to in the previous sprints. This task was not hard at all since everything was modeled already so that was kind of nice.

Has this process been different in your experience to date?

I've noticed that my workflow remains fairly consistent in terms of both the work I receive and successfully complete. One thing I feel like it never changes is me actually doing work early and getting it done. I do complete my work but it's not as satisfying as it would be finishing early. Thats one thing I’m going to have to fix if I plan to get into the game design industry.

As of now my team and I are working the best we can to make this game look and work right. Right now, my team and I are busting our butts to get this game just right. While my team is trying to tweak and fix things, I’m trying my best to make sure the art is good too. We're super into it and working hard to make sure every part of the game is top-notch. We're listening to what players are saying and making changes based on that.

To end off this blog post, I’m going to briefly talk about the cards I have assigned myself for Sprint 7. For this sprint I have assigned myself some of the last models of the different generator going into our game. The first model will be a God Hamster wheel generator, so I’m going to do some digging around to find a good reference to base my model off of which I think should be fun to make. The second one is a multiversal battery generator. The last model I will end of doing will be a black hole harvester generator. The last card I will be doing to retexturing the games background because it didn't come out how we wanted it to, but it should be no problem it making it again. I believe the last thing I will be doing it just going back to previous models and adding textures which should only be a couple.

Thanks for taking to time to look at my Blog Post!


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