
 As a modeler and level designer for the game, “Meltdown”, I'm going to share some of the tasks I have worked on and also go over my process in the Fifth sprint. This will include sprint kickoff and the work I did and didn’t complete, as well as some of the things I’ll be working on in the next upcoming sprint in sprint six.

Let's talk about sprint kickoff first. I took 4 cards from the assigned list which was all I could take since I’m not really skilled in code.

The first card I took was supposed to be a visual representation of an insurance item. For this item I wanted to make it a 2d image rather than a being something 3d since this is supposed to be an item the player can use from the shop.

The second card that I did was a backup generator, and this was probably one of the tougher one when it came to finding textures. When it came to modeling, I always tend to go a bit overboard, but I can’t help it because modeling is something I always enjoy doing. For this backup generator, I started by gathering some references to see how I can make this look, and I went off that. As I mentioned before, trying to find textures that would look good was my only problem.


The third card I finished was making a visual representation of a semi cartoonish nuclear power plant model. Just like for the backup generator, I gathered references before starting the process of making the nuclear powerplant. Something I didn’t mention about the previous two cards is they all have UVs with textures of course. For this card, it was surprisingly not that bad when it came to finding good textures that would look good for a nuclear powerplant.

My last card that I took was actually go back to one of my previous cards I completed in sprint 3 which was the coal powerplant. For this one I went back and did all the UVs and textures for this model. 

I believe one of the task’s I will be doing very soon is making animations and smoke come out to give it more of that effect. I will also try to have effect on other models as well. This includes the bike which I made in the first couple sprints. I’m hoping I will have time to add animations onto the two windmills and waterwheel and in doing this, I can add these to my ePortfolio to showcase my experience in making the models for our game “Meltdown”.

Has this process been different in your experience to date?

I've noticed that my workflow remains fairly consistent in terms of both the work I receive and successfully complete. However, I'll admit that I tend to leave the bulk of the tasks for the latter part of the sprint. It's evident that if I manage to complete the majority of the work in that final stretch, it might not truly represent a full two-week workload. So, I’m going to try my best to do work earlier in the sprint.

As of now my team and I are working the best we can to make this game look and work right. If it wasn’t for my team's hard work, we would not even have a digital prototype for students and others to test, so I applaud them for their hard work. 

To end off this blog post, I’m going to briefly talk about the cards I have assigned myself for Sprint 6. For this sprint I have assigned myself 14 points from the backlog. These cards include making more visual representations of the different generators in our game. The only other different card will be texturing and doing UVs for the cooling system generator which I made in sprint 3.

Thanks for taking to time to look through my Blog Post!


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