3D game lvl 2v1 feedback

 In this playtest I had James and Pao playtest my game. In this first part I’ll go over some of the comments they made about my level. The first thing they mentioned was to add some enemies because I didn’t quite know where I wanted to actually place them but I kind of have an idea of where I would like to put them. Looking back at my previous levels in the first level 1 part I was actually quite satisfied with how much larger the level was from the first iteration. Another one of the main things that they brought up was there was a part of the map where you hop on to a moving platform and your able to see the outer parts of the map which isn’t really a good thing to see as the player, so I’ll be sure to fix that by adding walls around that part so you can’t see the outside.

When it comes to what went right, the player was able to successfully finish the level without any mistakes or issues with the level. There was one issue which was fixed throughout the playtest. That issue was when the player would jump on a block the player would fall right through it even though it was set to environment, but I fixed it by using a different platform for the player to use. I feel it was very obvious where the player was supposed to go as James and Pao had no issues going through my level.

One thing I forgot to mention was there were some areas on my level that were left empty, so I plan to use those areas for something, but I’m not too sure yet. I was thinking of making some more platform challenges or just traps for the players to encounter.

If I’m correct this next iteration of level 2 will be the final design so I plan to make some decent changes to the level which will make it more interesting and more challenging to the player because playing through it, it felt a tad bit easy but that may be due to the fact that I didn’t have any enemies or bosses at the end.

One of the things I want to do in my final level is being able to place enemies in spots that make sense and just not in random places. For example, in the middle of the room, so just spots that are guarding the boss or spots that are guarding a button. One of the problems that I had in the first level 1 assignment was not being able to run up the stairs because I think I made them too steep so that was a good change to make to my level.

When it comes to the length of my map, I feel that was one of the good goals that I did well on, but I could have made it more challenging when it came to platform challenges and different acid trap areas. In total I have about 6-8 different areas or rooms if that's the right word for it. Half of those rooms consist of acid traps which have platform challenges such as parkour. I believe in these areas I made it somewhat difficult but it was still too easy for the player so I feel I need to be able to space apart the floors so that the player can’t skip the area. That was one of the issues where the blocks were too close together, so the player was able to skip a good portion of that area.


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