3D Game Level 1 v1 Feedback

 My first playtest for the 3D game level, I had James, Izhaiah, and Pao give me some feedback on my map design. So, the first thing that went right in my level design was that it was functionable after I got everything the way it was supposed to be. The main thing that went wrong which was really frustrating was that the player was just walking through walls and stairs, but I just had to change the layer tab to Environment which was kind of funny because it was that easy to fix. When it comes to the question about how I might improve my level. My level wasn’t fully finished but for one would be to add more excitement with some color and some areas to use the skills you have learned.

I believe the challenges presented to the player were way too simple for the player. When it came to the different areas on my map, I should’ve added more enemies in those areas to add some more player interaction with the game rather than just running around and opening doors.

The critical path was very obvious as there was really only one way to go because of the walls and where they were placed. When it came to the overall flow of the game, I would say it was fairly smooth. It was also very obvious where the player was supposed to go.

Some things I didn’t get to add yet were some parkour areas just to give the player a little more of a challenge but some excitement on the playthrough as well. Looking back at the previous mega man levels that I made with the checkpoints, I would like to make it similar to that with how the checkpoints were placed at certain areas after you complete a certain area of the map. 

One of the things I want to adjust is the enemies' range to detect the player because I believe I made it too large, and it runs to the player too early than I wanted it to. I believe the most enjoyable part of my level for me was being able to fix the issue of running through walls and stairs. There was still one tiny issue that I ran into when playing my level which was one of the enemies would run away through a wall. So that is one of the main things I have to fix when it comes to the Lvl 2 of this playtest.

As of now I have the beginning portion of this map done so that it includes just the first and second room which contain a few enemies each. After exiting that 2nd room, it brings you to a pit of acid where you have to ride a moving platform which the players seemed to think was a good idea to include. 

The last few things I will go over will be what I have on my level now. The first thing on my level is the beginning small room where the player first spawns. In that room there is a small door with a button that that player is able to interact with to open the door. After leaving that room leads to a bigger room which has a total of 3 enemies with one of those enemies being behind the door when the player opens it. After leaving that room will lead you to a small bridge which will lead you to the other side which is fairly similar to the last room I was talking about. It just has less enemies than the previous one. So yeah, that is what I have for now, but I plan to make it more exciting for the player.


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