Mega Man V1 Feedback

 I had Izhaiah, Jax and James playtest my game. The thing that went right when playtesting my game was that they were able to complete the game with very to no little issues. There were a couple things that went wrong. The first thing was that the playtime was well under 4 minutes, and I do need to improve areas of the map to maybe have more platform challenges as Izhaiah has suggested. Another thing that went wrong was at the end of the level which had too many enemies to defeat which was impossible to beat with the health the player had so the player just had to try to avoid them to reach the end. One way that I will improve my map is to for sure add more platform challenges like skill checks for example and also find appropriate spots to place my enemies to make the playtest longer and more enjoyable. I would say the challenge presented to the player was actually too easy besides some of the enemies once you reached the end of the level.


The critical path is very obvious of where to go. When it comes to if the path was obvious to the players I would say yes because there was only a one-way direction so something I will be adding is maybe different directions that lead to the same area or even dead ends. The reason for dead ends is to just make the game longer but not too many to where the player gets annoyed. 

Some extra things I added were platforms that disappeared one after the other which some classmates seemed to like as a skill check and others found it frustrating because it took them time to get past it.

Was the game fun? When I played it after I was done creating it, it wasn’t boring, but it wasn’t really that fun either. I have to say I definitely should have added more platform challenges, but I didn’t really think of that at the time. I would say my only excuse is not playing mega man before, so I don’t really know how some of the levels are played out. The background I chose was some sort of mountains which seemed to fit the western theme so that is one thing I thought fit well in the game. 

I think the most enjoyable moment of my level was being able to complete it. In my opinion, there weren't really that many enjoyable moments on my level which I need to improve upon. The most frustrating moment of my game was definitely the skill checks where you need to time your jumps before the block disappears and the other frustrating part was facing the final two enemies which left you with little to no health and you had to respawn at the checkpoint. 

One main thing that needs to change is to avoid using the same platform challenges and just really being more creative with my thought process of what I want to add. Really nothing to crazy but enough to make the game fun and challenging rather than short and boring

Overall, there really isn’t much to go over. The main things I need to fix is the map length to make the playing time around 10 minutes which will be a big improvement from the 4 minutes of gameplay on my level now. The second thing is more platform challenges like skill checks to make the game more exciting for the player The last and final thing is to just place enemies in an appropriate place to where it won't be unfair to the player


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