2D Mega Man No Playtest

 First thing I wanted to start off with was I was not able to successfully publish the level 2 part of my game due to time but I do remember the feedback from my previous playtest which Izhaiah, Jax, James and some others, I didn’t get their name. Starting off with what went wrong was I was not able to successfully make a level 2 design for my mega man level. Looking at how I was going to improve my level, I was going to use some of the old features from my level 1 such as the quicksand parkour which lots of students from class seemed to like. I know I was able to make a decent looking playable map but I lost track of time so that was my downside of this project.

When it came to the critical path, I wanted to make it very obvious where the player was supposed to go but I did want to add some dead ends that either had some enemies or some small and large health pickups. Another feature that I wanted to add was some hidden areas that the player had to find which contain keys for doors. Again, I really wish I could have created this level 2 because it would have helped me to be more creative and cautious of where I wanted to place things. 

Some extra small things I wanted to add to this level was the ability for the player to hop on many floating platforms that lead to keys and other small items which would have benefited the player.

I couldn’t really say if the game was going to be fun because one, I didn’t make it and two no one was able to play it, but I had a picture in my mind of how I wanted it to start off which I will put a concept of how I wanted it to start off. 

This being a level 2 for mega man we had to make it harder than usual for the player. One of the ways I was going to make it tough for the player was to add a lot of parkour with spike traps below. One of the other additions I was going to change which I had in the previous level 1 map was the number of checkpoints to make the player pace a little slower and more careful or else they would have to restart very far on the checkpoint. I believe the last and final thing I was going to change was the number of enemies on the level because the main thing I wanted the player to do was not only explore the map but to be able to use their power ups in certain locations when needed.

Looking at the schedule for the upcoming playtest it looks like we have four more playtests to get into, so I look forward to participating in those. 

The last and final thing I wanted to add on was my experiences and what I learned from the past playtests with the DnD and Mega Man. The main things I learned from these are that these playtests help me with learning which areas I need to improve upon and which areas of game design I do well with. I think the areas I do well with is making sure the overall flow and the critical path is straightforward. I believe one of the areas I need to work on for upcoming playtests is to make the challenges a little tougher for the player because I tend to make them a bit too easy.


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