SimpleDndMap V3 Feedback

     I wish I made it to class for the last final DnD playtest, however I had my roommate playtest my game. The thing that went right is he did remember partially what to do when he played the first time so that was a plus in the right direction, however I did have to let him know there was new stats for each of the characters along with the enemies. I think the only thing that went wrong which I wish could have changed was actually getting student feedback but this was all I can do for now. If I ever have to make a new DnD map, I will probably change some of the enemies around because I did forget that it was an alien invasion theme along with a prison escape, so be sure to stick to the theme a little better. One thing I was satisfied with was how the map came out and some of the little details I added such as the jail cells along with some keys to pick up to open the cells. Below is the map design.

One of the things I learned from the last playtest from a classmate was having a way to hide and reveal enemies so I actually like that addition to my map. I would say the challenges presented were appropriate to the tutorial nature of the level. The critical path was very obvious as there were dead ends on some of the turns and it forced you to get back on the correct path.

I believe the overall flow of the game was smooth. Looking back at the second playtest, I would say it was a lot smoother only because I added smaller/weaker enemies to not only allow more player interaction but it also allowed the player to explore the map more.

Like I mentioned before it was obvious where the player was supposed to go and my roommate didn’t have any issues of where to go. All rule mechanics were taught to the player however I did have to explain to him how the keys worked because technically you can walk in the cell without a key but that isn’t how the map was designed.

Now just talking about my additions to the map, the first thing that I had added was several enemies that had weaker attack and defense stats but did have the same health as characters. One other thing I had to add to make it fair was adding med kits around the map to heal yourself or your partner. The Reason I had added this to the map was so that the player wouldn’t be at a disadvantage when facing the boss. The last thing that I added was keys to open the cells. I made it so you can only stack 2 keys at a time but only need 1 key to open a cell which can either give you a med kit or a surprise(prison guard).

The stats that I gave the prison guard was 10hp , 2 attack and 2 defense. I wanted to give the guard the same amount of health as the players only because if I made the health lower, it wouldn’t make sense because they are guards and they have armor. The final boss that I chose was a Swat gunner that I named Warden. The stats that I gave to the warden was 30 hp, 7 attack and 5 defense. I believe I could have adjusted the attack and defense stats to have a lot more health but lower the attack and defense stats to give the enemies and players a longer fight which I think would have made it more exciting.


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