
  • Trashcan Assignment

  • Props Assignment

  • Chessboard

  • Modular Firehouse Assignment

During the course of this class, we have had 6 assignments including the Primitives and Room assignment which are not included in this post. The first assignment in this post is the Trashcan Model. For this assignment our job was to create gather some references and model a Trashcan in Maya. The next assignment is the Props assignment and for this one there is a total of 5 different props used. The props include a potion bottle, drinking cup, lantern, bucket, and flour sack. The third assignment is the chessboard above. The focus on this assignment was gathering a reasonable reference of chess pieces and use appropriate techniques skills to create the chess pieces and the board along with texturing. For the Modular Firehouse, it consisted of making modular pieces to make an object or prop. In this case it was a firehouse from Ghostbusters.

Throughout the Semester, the software we used as a class was Maya, Substance Painter, and just now with this previous assignment, Unity. When it comes to challenges, I would say it was learning how to import outside textures into painter and learning how to apply them correctly to my models but there was videos that helped with that so it really wasn't a problem any more. Previously on past semesters I struggled with Time Management but I feel I actually approached it well this semester and was on Time for all my assignments.

One particular tool I found interesting to learn is the curve tools and I think it would be useful to learn these better.

One Project That I was satisfied with was the Room Assignment

One Project that I feel could have used some more work was the Modular Assignment

Wireframe Models:


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