CAGD 112- Photography



In the final panorama assignment I was asked to create a panorama image by taking four to six photographs of something outside that seemed appealing enough to us. For this assignment I took some pictures in my neighborhood at the park although I would have liked to have taken it during the golden hour. I would have liked to taken it during a better time such as sunset or sunrise, but I believe the results came out alright, just not as I hoped. I definitely could have done better if I chose a better area and time to take the photos. I had some problems using the clone stamp tool where in the work image it didn't show any areas of the checkers but when I went to save as a jpeg it showed, but in the end results I was able to fix it if that made sense.




For this HDRI assignment we were asked to take 3 photos one under exposed, over exposed and normal. The before image is the image merged together using the 3 photos taken. To edit it I took it in Adobe Lightroom and from there did the editing in Photoshop. I really liked the results of the HDR photo but I believe I went a little too much on editing. I did have trouble finding the right spot because there aren’t really any interesting spots where I live. In the final image I wanted the focal point to be the building in the back behind the highway. There was one thing that bothered me about the final photo and that was the highlight around the tree because I wasn’t sure how to fix that. I should have definitely gone out at an earlier time to get better results but I like how it turned out in the end.



For the things assignment we were asked to take at least 30 photos using Depth of Field in our photos. After taking all of the photos I took one out of the 30 to enhance. In this photo I provided I started with a normal photo and made it black and white with the color on the focal point being the flower which I thought turned out really nice. One challenge for me was using the dodge and burn tool but it actually wasn't that bad to use considering I haven’t used that tool since High School in photography class. In terms of lighting I believe it turned out really well. The only thing I would change would be a different angle rather than facing other houses and a car in the background. In the end the Things assignment was not even a bad assignment it was actually very enjoyable to work and edit with in photoshop

On The Edge


For the On the Edge assignment I was asked to take about 30 pictures with some sort of leading lines with a main focal point. In this case my brother is the main focal point walking across a bridge. I haven’t touched a DSLR camera since photography class in High School so I had to get a hang of where everything was located but took little to no time to get used to it. In terms of this assignment I used the original image of my brother walking across the bridge and used the grayscale to make it black and white. After I have finished using the black and white feature I used the dodge and burn tool to fix any spots I needed to fix in order to make the photo appealing enough. One thing I could have done better would be to crop it a little but in the end I was satisfied with the results.


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